Monday, September 28, 2015


Fall Flash Sale: $650 Traditional Liposuction
Don't miss this ultimate Fall Flash Sale.  Traditional Liposuction is on sale for 3 days only at the amazing price of $650 per area.  Limit two areas, but choose from Upper Abdomen, Lower Abdomen, Flanks/Waist, Upper Hips, Inner Thighs, Outer Thighs or Arms.

Call and reserve now - you
MUST HAVE YOUR PROCEDURE OCTOBER 1-3 for the special pricing.

To qualify for this special promotion, you must have a BMI that falls within the below chart and you must place a deposit to hold your spot.

These spots will fill up, GUARANTEED. Don't wait. When it's full, it's full! 

STEP 1: Verify Your BMI Based on the Chart

If your BMI is not within ranges for this special promotion, you can schedule a free 30-min Consultation to discuss body contouring options such as liposuction, Smartlipo Triplex, Medical Weightloss, and tummy tuck.
This special promotion is ONLY happening on October 1, 2 and 3.  You will have your procedure immediately following your consultation.

These spots are first come, first serve. Deposit is required to hold your spot.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What other fees will I be charged?

All facility fees are included. You will only need to purchase your compression garment. Depending on the area treated, pricing ranges from $29-$79.

2. If I have my arms done, is that one area or two?

One area includes both arms or both thighs, etc.

3. Is this a Smartlipo Triplex special?

This is for traditional tumescent liposuction only.

4. What is the downtime after this procedure?

2-4 days, depending on a patient's individual tolerance and the level of activity they would like to resume.

5. How much of a deposit is required to hold my spot, and is it refundable if I change my mind?

$100 deposit per area is required to hold your spot paid at time of scheduling. The deposit is 100% non-refundable. The remaining balance is due on your procedure day by credit card, Care Credit, cash or Cashier's Checks. Personal checks are not accepted for this promotion.

6. How do I reserve?

Call 281-317-8179. The staff is waiting to take your appointment!

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